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We need specialized libraries?

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


In 2015, at the Institute of Information and Library Studies, Charles University, defended the dissertation specialized library in the 21st century. Based on the content analysis of texts dealing with the prospects of this type of library services has created a theoretical model of services.

This model helped define the fundamental role of specialized libraries and providing document services. Document Services, which is based on the principles of information management is an essential function of libraries.

Despite the fact that the wider public libraries for just this type of service recede and more inclined to reflect on the principles of community-based services, the role of the library as a basic element of the documentary is irreplaceable institution. Technological means transforming many of the principles of these services, and the increasingly dominant type of remote user brings new aspects.

Before Czech specialized libraries face the challenge of transformation of physical libraries in a digital library. They know the potential of the institution of their libraries? Libraries are willing to undergo this transformation?