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Web 2.0 Tools to Support Research and Development in Engineering

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


With the rapid expansion of Web 2.0 applications, we are experiencing its growing penetration into academic and research and development area in many disciplines. The number, diversity and rate of use of such systems by scholars and research groups have been rapidly increasing.

Most major information providers have adopted this trend as well. Information providers such as Springer, Elsevier, ProQuest, or Thomson Reuters have developed web 2.0 applications to meet specific needs of researchers and academics.

Since providing access to electronic information resources has become quite a common service, the current objectives are to provide more sophisticated services and tools to grant the users more effective and efficient information retrieval together with organization and sharing personal knowledge and information. This paper introduces licensed and free online reference tools, such as systems for organizing and sharing personal references (personal bibliographic software), databases of scholars and researchers, and SDI services, all compatible with electronic information resources available at Czech Technical University