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Václav Chaloupecký : In Search for the Czechoslovak history

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The aim of this book is to deal with the historiographical legacy of Czech historian Václav Chaloupecký (1882-1951), the pupil of Josef Pekař and Jaroslav Goll. During the First Czechoslovak Republic Chaloupecký kept the professorship of Czechoslovak history at the newly established Comenius University in Bratislava.

The aim of this book is not to create a common biography, rather to rethink Chaloupecký's historiographical legacy from the non-nationalistic and ideologically open minded point of view. The core of this critical approach is to show the stereotypes bound with Chaloupecký's name and last but not least to reveal the specific ideological background of Chaloupecký's work, its roots based in his individual experience with the Czech and Slovak cultural horizon and mainly in the marriage with the Slovak modernist poet Ľudmila Groeblová.

The result should show a picture of life and work of a historian which was interrupted due to three breaks - The Great War, Second World War and the Communist Coup in Czechoslovakia in February 1948. If besides that the author (not unintentionally) fullfilled the attempt to cover some of the cultural essence of the mentioned period, the more the better.