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The process of forming a song canon in 17th and 18th century hand-written hymn-books



This dissertation thesis follows on the contemporary research focused on the early modern manuscript culture. The thesis deals with the Moravian manuscript hymnals from the 17th and 18th century and with their repertoire.

The manuscript hymnography is one of the richest sources for an understanding of the popular piety, the Baroque literature and the church music. Some of the hymnals are accompanied by musical notation and a large number of them are beautiful illuminated.

However, they have never been made accessible through modern edition, and there are hardly any analytical studies concerning these hymnbooks. The opening chapter summarizes the existing research on the given topic.

It is followed by the description of approximately forty manuscript hymnals. The next chapter concentrates on some specific qualities of the manuscript publication and focuses on the song repertoire.

The third chapter further develops the general theses. It is devoted to four manuscript hymnals from the sixties and the seventies of the 17th century.

The analysis of their writing, ilumination and repertoire proves the same author - Jan Klabík from Želechovice. This chapter concentrates on the song repertoire, relations to older hymnals and the song canon.

The fourth chapter focuses on two specific groups of songs: the psalm paraphrases and the Czech troped ordinaries. The thesis includes a picture supplement and the catalogue of the song repertoire contained in the four manuscripts by Jan Klabík (CD).