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Framing contemporary art: Keeping visual art in the picture

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Contemporary art is conceptual and contextual. Specialized platforms can no longer enable the understanding of contemporary art.

It is the mass media that mediates the socio-political "frame" of an art piece. The arts/culture pages are being reduced in dailies all over the world.

For most readers, art magazines and websites are beyond reach and interest. Does the mass media transformation limit the understanding of contemporary art? Is understanding of art dependent on media or can we do without it? Drawing on studies and research compiled in the last decade, this paper compares the shifts that have occurred within arts/culture journalism in different countries.

The resulting conclusions combined with findings of contemporary art theory and art-reflection theory should problematize art-literacy and media relations and explain the consequences that may initially seem marginal but could significantly limit the way we look at contemporary art and the way we actually understand it. (C) Common Ground, Hanka Sladkova, All Rights Reserved.