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Reading Comprehension in Children with Asperger syndrome and High Functioning Autism - Review

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are still the centre of interest of experts in medicine, psychology and special education. The main emphasis is given to issues of early and accurate diagnosis and special educational approaches to maximise the development of individuals with ASD.

Due to an emphasis on inclusive education model, there are many international studies (for example Asberg et al., 2010; Nation et al., 2006; Norbury Nation, 2011) focusing on skills and abilities necessary for educating individuals in mainstream schools, such as reading and writing. While reading is a skill itself in individuals with ASD at a good level, we are dealing often with hyperlexia, reading comprehension is problematic and significantly affects the academic performance of students.

Since this is a topic that is not solved in the Czech context, we would like to summarize the relevant international research in our study and discuss possible links comprehension in individuals with ASD, which will be evaluated in the research project GACR Reading comprehension - typical development and its risks. The results of that project will be presented in following papers.