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Security and Trust in Data Sharing Smart Cyber-Physical Systems

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Security and trust plays an important role in Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (sCPS), which are formed as open and large collections of autonomous context- and self-aware adaptive components that dynamically group themselves and cooperate (all in a rather decentralized manner). Such a high level of dynamicity, openendedness and context-dependence however makes existing approaches to security and trust in distributed systems not fully suitable (typically being too static and not able to cope with decentralization).

In this paper we introduce he concepts of context-dependent security and trust defined at the architecture level of sCPS. Contrary to traditional approaches, our solution allows components to adapt their security clearance according to their context (i.e. their state and the surrounding environment), while reserving high level security policies.

We further define the interplay of security and trust in sCPS and show their interrelation as an important ingredient in achieving security in systems of adaptive autonomous components.