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How to build your own real remote experiment cotrolled by a mobile or touch enabled device

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We present ""iSES Remote Lab SDK"", a new version of software development kit (SDK) devoted for creation of online real remotely controlled experiments. In comparison with the original version based on Java applets, current interface based on JavaScript and HTML5 allows users to access it from smart mobiles or other touch enabled devices.

It offers better graphical and design customization capabilities. While mostly used with ISES hardware, the kit supports more other hardware platforms (COM and USB devices, encapsulated third-party experimental setup, multimeters, stepper motors etc.) When deployed, it also provides basic logging features allowing the creator to observe user interactions with the experimental interface in detail.

We also present a unique set of elementary modules of the iSES SDK that may be easily combined and used by beginners to create any parameter value input/output, XY or Y(t) graphs, visualizations including a webcam view etc. Experimental data can be easily exported for further processing.

Finally, we present a few sample experimental designs available on our sites and more on