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Europe at the crossroads

Publication at Faculty of Science |


This publication analyses the situation in Europe, which is currently due to a number of reasons heading for a systemic crisis. The author discusses changes in the intellectual climate of European countries from the late nineteenth century until the present.

Focusing on the trauma of the two world wars. His emphasis is not on only the economic situation as such but rather on the extent to which the economic way of thinking became the religion of our times.

We could well ask which convictions should be, in the world of today and especially in Europe, seen as 'religious' and which ones as 'secular', 'political' or 'scientific'. From this perspective, where should one place for example environmentalism? Does the world today mistakenly identify individualism and individual egotism, which in our otherwise uniform society gradually lost its role of the moving force of economic and cultural development of Europe and became its doom, because it motivales people only to pursue their careers and not to invest in their offspring? Isn't a society with sharply decreasing numbers of progeny, who would naturally continue its ways, quite fundamentally sick? How did European democracy change in the recent decades and what are its characteristic features now? How does Europe approach or rather fail to solve the issue of immigration and how is it going to deal with future Islamisation, which seems to be a necessary consequence of its population curve?