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Individualization in kindergarten

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The book acquaints the reader with how to create the conditions for individualized learning and its different phases - preparation class educational program, its implementation and evaluation of learning outcomes. Every child has a lot of individual features.

If we want to make his teaching was as efficient as possible, we have the possibility to take into account. Individualization starting point is the belief that every human being is unique.

Each child works and learns in their own way. When the teacher is able to respond to these individual needs, allowing children to experience success in learning and achieve their personal best.

Paper use nursery school teachers, especially for the benefit of teachers working in mixed-age (heterogeneous) classes. The book is also intended for students and university students SPgŠ art teacher for kindergarten and preschool education.

They can also be used by teachers of university and secondary school courses focused on preschool education.