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DIY philosophy in school practice and in teacher education

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The authors introduce empirical research carried out by the Department of Information Technology and Technical Education (DITTE) at the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague. They have drawn inspiration from the EU project, 543177-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-KA3-KA3MP, "Do It Yourself in Education: Expanding digital competence to foster student agency and collaborative learning (DIYLAB)".

The project DIYLAB coordinated by Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) started in January 2014. The authors summarise experiences with implementation of DIY activities in two institutions in Prague at primary and lower secondary school (with pupils aged in 6 - 15) and at the Faculty of Education (with full-time and part-time students).

Since January 2015 DIY activities have been pursued in primary and secondary schools and universities in Barcelona, Oulu, and Prague. The DIY activities at the Faculties of Education have particularities owing to the fact that they are aimed to student teachers, and so the majority of activities are focused on creation of teaching materials and manuals for teachers.

At the Faculties of Education some DIY activities are implemented in collaboration with several other departments, such as Dept. of Biology, Dept. of Chemistry Education, Dept. of Fine Art and Dept. of Information Technology and Technical Education. DIY activities are periodically monitored with the aim of finding out, for example, whether the DIY philosophy is applied or not, and what pupils/students have learned.