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Narrative, Symbol, Transformation: Exploring the Complexities of Human Experience

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


This paper views theology as a process of reflection on human experience. Humans grasp their existence narratively - as a story.

From this perspective, it is legitimate to speak of narrative theology. The paper explores possibilities of using myth as a means of narrative theology.

It defines myth as a dialectic conjunction of symbols and a narrative. The paper is based on the premise that the gospel strives for a transformation of human life.

The hermeneutic method of the so-called "praxis matrix" is introduced as an analytical tool to grasp such transformation. The aim is to show the significance of the complexity or multidimensionality of human story.

These dimensions as "variables" are related to "invariables" in form of symbols, giving human story a structure. Their relation provides an opportunity to understand transformation as one of the fundamental human experiences.

The paper then illustrates this possibility by way of analyzing the film Calvary.