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Missionary translation and linguistics in the didactics of translation

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This article places research on missionary writings within the framework of Czech translation theory and emphasises the importance of the concept ""source"" as the starting point of the translator's activity. Underlying the relative lack of diffusion of Hispanic traductography and/or para-traductography - even among Translation Studies scholars, but also within the context of the history of Czech-Hispanic cultural links -, the article focuses on the compilation of two anthologies of Hispanic Translation Studies that include the works ""El espíritu religioso y patriótico en la traducción: La obra de fray Vicente Solano"" by Antonio Bueno and ""Apuntes sobre la Translatio en los saberes curativos en América"" by Martha Pulido.

The translations were made within the context of optional seminars dedicated to discussions on the specific translation problems of the texts in question.