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Information and publication literacy of young researchers

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Information and Publication literacy is one of the essential skills of the young researcher. The question is, what is the situation nowadays and what influences the young researchers publication behavior.

Basically, there are three main factors that influences the publication behavior. The first one is the national way of evaluating the scientific work quality.

That seems to be the alpha and omega of the publication strategy. This system prefers the quantity of impacted publications, but does not take into consideration the lack of junior researchers experience and high quality results, that could lead to new projects, results and publications.

Therefore, the young researcher is in a paradox situation, because of the obligation ""to publish something"". The creative scientific personality is able to come up with many solutions, but not all of them would meet the publication ethic standards.

The second factor of influence consists of different professional practices in a different fields of expertise, which goes hand in hand with communication and team collaboration of the team, the young researcher works in. Finally, the third factor represents the student's personality, moral character and in some cases, intergenerational differences in user habits and behavior in the internet Environment.

The influences of all these factors vectors is well reflected on the editorial staff of the scientific journal, published by Czech Technical University (CTU), where young authors submit their publications. Editorial office is part of the Central Library, and also participates in the education of PhD students.

The criterion for the quality of our work is publishing university peer-reviewed journal as a platform for high-quality publications with all the publishing standards, which helps young scientists succeed in international scientific community. This contribution presents a first in sight into this interesting and complex issue, which is the subject of future research.