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Two different experiences. Secondary education professors Rudolf Urbánek and Vlastimil Kybal at grammar school in Slaný

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


As evidenced by data from 1904 in Velcově an inventory of historical monuments and works of art in the political district of Slánském and in the popular Kingdom of Czech Nymburk homeland project publications, the newsletter publisher Pavel Korberem in the years 1907-1919, was among the school grammar slanska institution with a long tradition. 1 incorporation of this second oldest Piarist College in Bohemia is dated back to the year 1658. 2 the year 1667 piaristé started teaching at lower secondary school, 1671 's Northeast because although the normal 3 In 40. years 19. the century school reform was implemented, which gave rise to the classical osmitřídnímu in Salt grammar school.