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Treatment Results of the Diabetic Macular Edema by Means of the PASCAL Laser System

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Objective: To evaluate functional, anatomical and clinical efficacy, and safety of the pattern scanning laser (PASCAL(R)) photocoagulation in patients with diabetic macular edema and absence of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Results: Mean baseline BCVA was 0,43 logMAR.

Values 0,38, 0,37, 0,38 a 0,38 logMAR were observed in the follow-up intervals in the 4th, 6th, 12th and 18th month. In 4 eyes (5%) improvement of more than 3 lines was observed, in 26 eyes (31%) improvement from 0 to 3 lines was observed, in 52 eyes (62%) decrease from 0 to 3 lines was observed and in 2 eyes (2%) decrease of more than 3 lines was observed.

Mean baseline CRT was 398 µm, values 370 µm, 362 µm, 349 µm and 338 µm were observed in the follow-up intervals in the 4th, 6th, 12th and 18th month. At the 12th month visit 76 eyes (90%) were stabilized, and in 8 eyes (10%) progression of the disease was observed.

No complications were observed during the first 12 monhts follow up. Conclusion: Pattern scanning laser photocoagulation of DME lead to BCVA and clinical stabilization.

In addition to this, it lead to decrease of the CRT. The efficacy was comparable to traditional laser systems with no apparent benefit to the traditional systems.

The efficacy was inferior to modern intraocular anti-VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) drugs.