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Developments and changes in the qualification requirements in the Czech Republic for 2000-2025

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This publication is the final study prepared by the Education Policy Centre, Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague for the National Institute for Education, Education Counselling Centre and Centre for Continuing Education of Teachers as a part of project VIP Career II - Career guidance in terms of curriculum reform. This publication focuses on the structural developments and changes in the labour market in the Czech Republic and the EU in the years 2000-2014.

It also contains a forecast of the labour market in the Czech Republic for 2025. The publication analyses not only change of number of jobs, but also changes their structure as well as a change in the qualification requirements.

Czech economy in recent years has been relatively successful. The number of vacancies should drop the lowest level since 2009 in June 2015.

An important role has also continued domestic economic growth, which is reflected in the creation of new jobs and the overall positive development of the labour market. Essential for a very open economy such as the Czech economy is undoubtedly a very low unemployment in Germany.