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Health risk substances in food and options for the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases from the point of nutritional toxicology

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine |


The aim of nutritional toxicology is to reduce to the utmost the incidence of toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic substances in foodstuffs, and to ensure an adequate supply of protective factors. Limitation of the intake of undesirable health-damaging substances can be achieved in two ways: by strict supervision of the composition and the quality of food raw materials, and by the choice of friendly technologies for their manufacturing and culinary preparation.

This primarily concerns the use of processing techniques that allow regulation of the heating (temperature) of foodstuffs so as to avoid as much as possible the formation of compounds that directly affect health. The authors mention the formation and occurrence of key health risk factors in foodstuffs, which cause chronic non-communicable diseases.

They point out that from the nutritionally toxicological point of view it is possible to implement effective preventive measures which would lead to the restriction of currently still growing incidence of these diseases.