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The Problem of Aggression, Violence and Hostility in the Contemporary Scientific Literature: Introduction to the Basic Issues

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The review of the social theories, which interpretating the problem of agression, violence and hostility since the first one third of the XIX century till nowadays has been presented in this article. The special attention was given especially to the concepts of H.

Spencer, E. Durkheim and F.

Nietzsche. As to the contemporary authors there are J.

Habermas, the famous American author L. Berkowitz, the sociologists CH.

Murray, A. S.

Roche who are analyzing the problem of the urban violence; the German psychologist O. Kernberk, who examines the phenomen of violence depending on the disturbances of the personality, psychologists V.

Katjukov and N. Cyrkun who are convinced, that agression is the motive power of the history.