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Risk Factors in Ovarian Cancer: A Brief Overview

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine |


The exact causes of the sporadic cases of the most malignant gynecological cancer, ovarian carcinoma, are still difficult to ascertain. However, they account for the vast majority of ovarian cancer cases (~ 85%).

The remaining cases may be attributed to genetic alterations in genome, chromosomes, genes and regulatory factors. Within this group, germline mutations in BRCA1/2 and DNA mismatch repair genes are the best known genetic risk factors.

The aim of the epidemiological studies is to find out the risk or protective factors, associated with the ovarian cancer. In this review, we focus on a brief survey of these factors, with emphasis put particularly on the genetic alterations, reproductive factors and life style factors along with dietary factors.

Unfortunately, there is no factor found to be fully protective. On the other hand, there is also no factor known to result in 100% risk of development of ovarian cancer.

Further investigations of factors associated with ovarian cancer are warranted, similarly as the search for novel diagnostic markers and improved treatment options.