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Emergent cardiac CT angiography, the value of the multip arame trie assessment of findings in critical ill patients

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Method: During 6 months, the analysis was performed in acutely performed cardiac CT using first generation of dualsource system (Somatom Definition DSCT, Siemens HealthCare, Forchheim, Germany). In the assessment of the findings was used evaluation of coronary CTA using VT and multiplanar reconstructions, calculation of the cardiac volumes based by the multiphase CT data reconstruction and the evaluation of first-pass enhancement perfusion maps.

Results: During 6 months, 339 cardiac CTs were performed, including 26 urgent examination in critically ill patients, in 10 the acute non-STEMI myocardial infarction, 7 infarctions were confirmed. In 6 patients, the acute chest pain occurred after revascularization by bypass grafting; in 3 cases the acute complication after cardiosurgery were present.

In 7 patients, the cardiac imaging was performed as an initial imaging before treatment of aortic dissections or surgery due to the acute aortic endocarditis. Conclusion: Emergent cardiac CT using dualsource CT is an effective imaging tool including patients in emerging situations, it can provide a valid information leading to the shortening of needed time to initiation of tailored therapy.