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Surgery in a nutshell

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Completely new, revised and updated edition of the successful textbook publishing in Grada, which comes out after 13 years. The significant changes to the stages and the copyright collective of the team, under the guidance of the current editors of the publication - Prof..

Alexandera Ferka, MD, PhD, Assoc. Prof.

Zdeňka Šubrta, PhD and Tomáše Dědka, MD, PhD. Information is provided in sections with an emphasis on what schools he lectures, what is required in clinical teaching and what is tested.

In the chapters lists the characteristics of the disease from the epidemiological point of view, the natural course of the disease, diagnostic procedure, options of surgical treatment and the indications, complications, results of treatment. Uniform breakdown contributes to the high educational value of the textbook.

The publication will appreciate the medical students, young doctors prior to specialisation exam from the surgery, but also doctors of other medical fields and nurses-specialist.