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Cultural Life of German Minority in the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The German minority in the Czech Republic nowadays accounts for only a small representation. Scholars as well as the representatives of its associations themselves conclude that a Czech German minority is about to recede.

Within the common history of Czech-German co-existence we may refer back to once rich political and cultural life of the Czech Germans. Although the history and culture of the German ethnic group before the year 1945 and its subsequent forced migration is extensively researched by scholars, the post war situation of the German group that stayed in the Czech lands is rather left out from the scholars' attention.

The publication aims to outline cultural specificities of the life of a German minority in the Czech lands. On one hand, the presented work targets the life of this minority since the year 1989, yet on the other hand it displays the activities of Czech Germans in the period preceding the year 1989 as well.

The paper is based on a research conducted by the main organizations representing the German minority.