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The impact of attitudes towards sexuality on female sexual arousal: a study using two types of imaginative stimuli

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Humanities |


Measurement of female sexual arousal is as in the primary research and in the clinical practice, a number of problems. Especially disproportion between the subjectively perceived excitement of women and physiological measurements sexual response (eg.

Vaginal photopletysmography (VPG, a thermistor), large variability in subjective preferences of women and their low reactivity to static visual stimuli is probably the reason that there is not a standardized set of erotic sex incentives for women. our study measured excitement (subjective and physiological - thermistor GETA), 2 sets of sexually erotic stimuli of different nature (controlled erotic imagination, reading erotic texts) sample of 20 women of reproductive age, without a diagnosed sexual problems. Results showed that the tested erotic stories and sayings are suitable for measurement of female sexual physiological responses.

Their effectiveness is proven especially in the detection of attitudes towards sexuality and certain sexual practices for fear of their own performance during sexual intercourse, fear of pain and especially the fear of losing their excitement during sexual activities.