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Several comments on the evaluation of lifelong learning

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The paper deals with the evaluation of educational activities conducted at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Motol in the context of lifelong learning. For the purpose of this paper was chosen certified courses to prepare clinical practice mentors and trainers specialized education.

Attention is paid to internalize the role of nurses in the study. Particular emphasis is placed on theoretical knowledge and practical skills of clinical practice and mentors to prepare for the performance of activities mentor.

The aforementioned quality is evaluated using a questionnaire survey, evaluation and self-evaluation of educational experiments carried out in the context of professional experience in the certified course. The results have been overwhelmingly favorable items.

Statistically significant differences were found mainly in the results of the evaluation and self-preparation, implementation and evaluation phases of teaching experiments, where the course participants themselves assessed more critically than they were evaluated by supervisors. From the results of its investigation showed that it is necessary to systematically work with a group of mentors and after the course, serving mentors feedback and using them to be human supervision and professional support.