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Analysis of the use of the term Open Educational Resources at Czech higher education institutions in international context

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The study introduces the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER) which is in the context of international educational trends currently becoming a topic of discussions also in the Czech Republic. The aim of the study is to define the term OER based on existing definitions of international organisations, to provide an overview of global developments in the area of OER and to summarize the use of the term OER in research, educational and promotional activities at Czech higher education institutions.

The analysis of selected research databases shows that OER is specifically mentioned in publications or research projects at 3 universities in the Czech Republic. Publicly available information further shows that 5 Czech universities have on their website information in the area of education and public promotion of OER.

Overall, university staff at 8 universities is active in the area of OER, which represents about one fourth of all public universities in the country. This analysis offers the first indicative information on the relatively low usage of the term OER at Czech higher education institutions, despite activities being already developed more widely (but not always being called OER).

Further research is needed for better understanding of the role and future of OER in the Czech higher education system.