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Diagnosis and treatment of billiary ileus

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Biliary ileus represents only 1-4% of mechanical obstructions of the gastrointestinal tract. However, the rate of non-strangulated small bowel obstructions reaches as much as 25% in patients over 65 years of age.

Usually, a pressure necrosis is created by a large gallstone that passes through the developed biliodigestive fistula, subsequently obturating the gastrointestinal tract. The indication of primary biliodigestive fistula treatment always depends on the general condition of the patient and on the local finding in the gallbladder area.

Residual fistula increases the risk of reccurence, but primary treatment is associated with higher mortality. It is also important to duly revise the entire bowel to avoid an early reccurence due to multiple gallstones.