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Stem cells in regenerative medicine

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Today we are still unable to treat many cardiovascular, neurological, musculoskeletal and other diseases. However, stem cells have brought new possibilities for their treatment.

Stem cell therapy lies on the boarder between modern regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. Our experimental data and first clinical studies using stem cells have shown their enormous potential and brings hope to patients with a broad range of devastating diseases.

In our preclinical studies we work with human stem cells obtained from bone marrow, adipose tissue and olfactory epithelia of adult donors, as well as with human fetal cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). Our current clinical studies in the fields of neurology, orthopedics and diabetology use mesenchymal stem cells (MSC).

At present we can conclude from the clinical studies that autologous MSC are safe, their effects are promising but should be futher confirmed in clinical studies.