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Sacral objects in the resettled borderland in the context of post-communist development

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Sacral objects mean to the area of resettled borderlands are an important pillar in building regional and local identity. The results of field research sacral objects outlined the idea of multiple types of resettled Czech borderland.

Based on previous research, the religious landscape of the Czech countryside (Havlicek Hupková 2008) and the above-analyzed research identified three types of religious landscape in the resettled borderland: a) The first type is the rural area (Kolešovicko), b) the second is the border (Czech-Saxon Borderland) region (Srbskokamenicko), c) the third type is then situated in the territory of the former Iron Curtain zone (Susicko). Key personalities of rural areas are often also involved in the restoration, respectively.

New construction of religious buildings, because they perceive their important role in the building of local identity and of belonging to the historical-cultural contexts. Sacred objects and form one of the character and image of resettled Czech border regions are an important and often dominant component.