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Quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer in the course of three years of observation in a nutritional outpatients department

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The nutritional status, consisting of nutritional support and intervention is important for the survival of patients with head and neck cancer. The group of 726 patients with head and neck cancer was observed.

Patients were given by a nutritional support through the introduction of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (group A) and sipping (group B). Monitoring the quality of life of patients was carried out in the defined checks through questionnaires - in module of general quality of life and module of quality of life for patients with head and neck cancer.

Du to dominating symptoms in modules of quality of life, we compared results between groups and the sexes. Group A and B are comparable in terms of representation of cancer stage and treatment modality.

Nutritional intervention is the causal factor affecting the development of nutritional parameters and complications, quality of life, pain, depending on the other person and survival of patients. Patients with nutritional intervention due to percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy showed better tolerance of cancer treatment, less complications, significantly lower incidence of depending on the care of another person, better quality of life.

Women have also improved tolerance oncology therapies, improved physical fitness despite higher input weight loss. Monitoring the quality of life we consider as one of the key factors of comprehensive care in the oncological treatment.

It has become obvious that it correlates with independent predictive factors of cancer care (malnutrition and lack of development of weight loss, quality of life, and nutritional intervention).