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Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


World of the Vors being a structure which runs through the crime over the whole history of the Soviet State, and later the post-Soviet area, while it is vis-ible sometimes more and sometimes less. At the time of a crisis, there comes to an increased number of deviations and their qualitative changes in the society connected with dynamics of sociál processes taking pláce therein in connec-tion with cancellation of usual forms of sociál control.

Such periods of crises and occasional booms with regular prosecution of entire groups of inhabitants for various political acts have led to the creation of entirely new phenomena as was the systém of prison camps GULAG and also completely new dimensions of crime - thieves in law. It is assumed that not a single criminal association in Russia and post-Soviet area generally has a more developed criminal ideology than that of the Vor one.

Moreover, rich prison experience evidently enabled the vors to survive under inhumane conditions of the Gulag camps and to continue in the "vor thing" further.