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Quantification of environmental and health external costs attributable to open-pit mining of brown coal at Bílina and ČSA coal mines and usage of brown coal in combustion processes to generate electricity and heat



Quantification of environmental and health impacts (external costs) from opencast lignite mining in the North Bohemian coal basin in Bílina and CSA mines and from utilization of extracted coal in combustion processes for a production of electricity and heat in Czech Republic as part of the analytical material to the Government Resolution no. 827/2015. The study quantifies environmental and health impacts attributable to revoking the territorial ecological restrictions on open-pit mining of brown coal in the Northern Bohemia mining area, following four options as proposed in 2015 by the Czech government.

These impacts are attributable to brown coal mining and burning brown coal in combustion processes to generate electricity and heat and are relevant to the area of the Czech Republic only. Environmental and health impacts are monetarized and mean the external cost from mining and usage of brown coal.