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A rare case of mobile atherosclerotic plaque with a high embolic potential in the femoral artery

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Atherosclerosis is a diffuse disease which may lead to the development of unstable atherosclerotic plaque. Its rupture can result in acute ischemic event.

The atherosclerotic plaques with a mobile component are typical presentations of such instability and patients with these plaques are at high risk of acute ischemic events. In the current literature, substantial data regarding the mobile atherosclerotic plaques in carotid arteries and thoracic aorta is published.

However there are almost no data concerning the mobile plaques in the peripheral arteries of the lower limbs. We present a rare case of a patient with generalized atherosclerosis, in whom an asymptomatic mobile athe-rosclerotic plaque in the common femoral artery with a high embolic potential was diagnosed.

This plaque was successfully removed by femoral endarterectomy. On the basis of this case, we review the possibilities and limitations of the current imaging methods in detection of mobile plaques in the peripheral arteries.

Moreover optimal therapeutic approaches in such patients are discussed.