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Are the Students of the University of the Third Age at the Charles University More Fit than the Ordinaty Population ?

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The subject of the research was to find out the fitness of students from the University of the Third Age (U3A) at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Charles University in Prague and to determine the optimal strain for them during their studies at the U3A. There was used a walking test on a two kilometer track in the research.

It was evaluated according to Stejskal. The pulse frequency was sensed by sport-testers (Polar S 610i) and also the time was measured.

The parameters were required for the calculation of the fitness index in a laboratory (height, weight and age for the BMI to a formula). The research always took place at the same time on the Charles University athletic field during favorable weather. 210 subjects (174 women and 36 men) the average age 64,96 years were tested, 41% of them did competitive sports in the past, 49% have done recreational physical activities and 10 % have not done any physical activities before.

The seniors, who used some medication, were excluded from the study. Based on the scores, calculated by the fitness index and classification into relevant age category (according to Stejskal), the seniors were divided into five categories. 18 subjects were highly above the average. 102 reached values that were above the average. 54 were evaluated as average. 27 weres below the avarage and 9 were evaluated as highly below the average.

As it was evident from the abovementioned, the listeners of the U3A at Charles University, at the program: "Theory and practice in seniors' physical education" were predominantly more fit than the same population group in the Czech population. The education of these students could be prepared more physically demanding, just with the regard to exceptionally weak individuals and those using medicaments.