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Is there something like a community? Re-thinking the concept of community in the Czech society

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The poster is focused on sociology of communities which is not very discussed topic in the Czech sociology. There is some idea of an ideal type of community connected with pre-modern society.

In contrary, modern society is connected with individualism that is presented as opposite to communities. However, the pressure on individualised persons cause a paradox that society is permeated through uncertainty.

As a result, people could try to find out some certainty in community. But a community - the term that seems to be clear, is not so clear.

If we focus on approaches how to define the community as a subject of interest, we will face to a problem of a fragmentation of the term and missing overarching theory. This fact can be one of the reason sociology of community is limited.

The second reason can be focusing attention on individualism and prefer the idea - community is no longer needed. The reflection of the problems with term community and its discussion should help to make possible to study communities as a new perspective how to explain some social phenomena.