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School psychologists as researchers: Relection on their possibilities

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This survey study states in the first part that school psychologists all over the world are supposed to provide not only psychological services for pupils, teachers and parents, but to be actively involved in research as well. The second part presents a new typology of school psychologists: (1) those who work in universities; (2) those who operate simultaneously both in universities and in the field; (3) those who have been preparing themselves for a career of school psychologists both at the university and in the field; (4) those who work only in the field. The third part of the study points out that due to the abolishment of the departmental institution, which dealt with school counselling, the research base of school psychology has been reduced in the Czech Republic. Isolated efforts of teachers in the departments of psychology at Czech universities cannot make up for that deficit. The fourth part deals with those interested students who are just preparing for the profession of school psychologists. Their undergraduate or postgraduate preparation ends, among others, with the defence of qualification thesis. Our study compares the themes of defended theses in the Czech Republic with those in the U.S.A., and draws the attention to the themes neglected in our country. The fifth part takes notice of school psychologists who are already active in primary and secondary schools. Leaning on the S. Štech's concept, four basic types of research activities are listed that may be realized by school psychologists in schools. The conclusion of the study is: School psychology in our country is entering a new developmental stage in which it is necessary to strengthen the role of school psychologists as school researchers. It will be advantageous for both the study field and for the Czech education.