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Transformation of Law and Society

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The paper focuses on institutional and normative change processes in contemporary society. It is based on the premise that due ti growing complexity and differentiation of relationships the gap between theoretical concepts and factual change processes is currently increasing.

Similarly the idea of direct intervention in the course of events,regulation and control of the events based on so called old European concepts, is contested. The autor builds on the findings of the theory of autopoietic systems revising the traditional role of law in society, which consists in strengthening of the integrity of the society in the spoirit of consensual theory and possibly in conflict resolution based on conflict theory.

A considerable part of the paper provides a description of self-evolution of the society influence by the progress in new technologies and media. The description of self-evolution of the society in the theory of autopoietic systems is in this paper complemented with reminder of the need to reflect universal value topics in the new situation of increasingly comlex life in contemporary technical civilisation.