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Discovery of a new species of the Cretaceous genus Microphorites Hennig, 1971 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae s. lat.) in Paleogene amber from eastern Moravia (Czech Republic)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


A new species of the extinct genus Microphorites Hennig, 1971 (Dolichopodidae s. lat.: Microphorinae) is described from a single female preserved in Studlov amber (Moravia, Czech Republic), currently dated from the Paleocene to the middle Eocene. Microphorites moravicus sp. n. has the typical wing venation of the genus, e.g., three radial veins, crossvein r-m, crossvein bm-cu complete, cell dm, two medial veins and vein CuA(1).

It differs from the other species of Microphorites by the long antenna, with prolonged and laterally compressed first flagellomere and presence of a pterostigma at the fusion of the first radial vein and costa. A comparison of M. moravicus with all other species of Microphorites, as well as fossil and extant species of Microphor Macquart, 1827 is given.

The age and source plant of Studlov amber is discussed in terms of newly performed geochemical analyses.