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Implementation of RIS 3 strategy in Central Bohemia region

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


The aim of this article is to evaluate last year actions of Central Bohemian Innovation Center regarding the implementation of RIS3 strategy in Central Bohemian Region. The relative short existence of Central Bohemian Innovation Centre represents an opportunity for mapping the initial activities leading to the implementation of RIS3 strategies at an early stage; thereby it contributes to possible future ex-post evaluation of changes in the regional innovation system.

Methodically the text relies on triangulation of (i) secondary statistical data (ii) field research in the form of partially structured interviews with key actors about specific local environmental knowledge and their needs, the so-called Entrepreneurial discovery process, and (iii) complementary approach (workshop, round table), with the purpose to validate conclusions and to verify the needs of the actors in the regional innovation system in individual segments. In addition, data was used from the evaluation part of the application forms from individual activities and strategic interventions.

The main result of this article includes the evaluations of the individual activities, which were successfully implemented during a relative short period of time in Central Bohemian Region, such as supporting start-ups, linking knowledge base with knowledge-application business sector and creating interconnections among RIS3 actors in the Central Bohemian Region.