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Using of flexible planchettes "Aerobar" in fitness training Using of flexible planchettes "Aerobar" in fitness training"

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The aim of this contribution is to draw attention to the possibilities of using flexible planchette "Aerobar" in the fitness training. Mechanical principle of this equipment is by repeated counter movements of the arms in a small range to vibrate planchette.

It can be performed in the standing position, or at low altitudes (siting position, lying position), held by using one hand or with both hands. It is essential that repeated counter movements of the planchette are carried out by the movement of whole body and not just by the arms.

This represents a significant initiative to stimulate the muscles of the deep stabilization system. It is also one of the reasons why is this equipment used in physiotherapy.

For sporting purposes we can train simultaneously with two planchettes, and increase the difficulty of the exercise.