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The Attitudes of Science Students on the Gifted Students

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


The teaching process is a file of multitude activities and methods, which should lead to a single specific objective and quality education for each individual learner. Nowadays many authors bring to the forefront concept of gifted and talented students.

All these authors point out deficiencies and half-truths that affect access to individual teachers and pedagogic employees to talented students. In Czech legislation, the process of education a gifted students is formulated.

We find a lot of teachers who, does not have experience with gifted or talented students during their several years teaching experience, and thus they do not expect gifted pupils during their classes. This finding led us to the realization of research-based on survey research created for students of first and second-year master's degree teaching science subjects at Pedagogical Faculty of Masaryk University in Brno.

The aim of the research was to analyze attitudes of science teachers for gifted students.