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What can sociocultural anthropology be?

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First systematic efforts to establish sociocultural anthropology as an independent field appeared in Czech academia only after the year 1989. These efforts did not meet with much apparent success for a long time, and this provoked many authors who professed themselves as sociocultural anthropologists to criticize the unsatisfactory state of Czech anthropology.

The most important of these criticisms are those by Zdeněk Nešpor and Marek Jakoubek. Both authors tried to demarcate the essence of sociocultural anthropology in their texts and oppose the fact that the name was often used as a label for approaches that had little to do with actual sociocultural anthropology.

The present article aspires to a discussion with both of these authors. The main thrust of the argument lies in a conviction that if we accept Nešpor's and Jakoubek's demarcations of sociocultural anthropology, we paradoxically give up the best that sociocultural anthropology offers.