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Comparison of static physical attractiveness and attractivenessof nonverbal behavior in women: creation of ethogram for sexual preference research stimuli development (research proposal)


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During courtship there are three phases: 1) attractiveness (non-direct signals), 2) proceptivity (addressed signals), 3) receptivity (addressed signals, copulation). These signals are usually produced by female.

If female will not produce these discrete permissive signals in two thirds of cases, the male will not initialize sexual interaction. Non-verbal behavior often plays important role in stimuli creation for research of psychophysiological response, but there is no standardized ethogram as template for sex-related stimuli.

This is what we address in the proposed study. As stimuli we will use records from castings obtained from porn audition free online database picturing interaction.

As part of the casting set of standardized photos of naked and dressed body as well as face were obtained. Stimuli set will consist of 90 women of which 30 women will be selected corresponding to the high attractiveness, low attractiveness and medium attractiveness as rated by respondents (N=100).

Non-verbal displays in chosen videos will be coded in Interact software. Then three one-minute long videos: women interacting with same-sex partner (1 x non-sexual condition - interview), and opposite-sex partner (1 x semi-sexual condition - interview, 1 x sexual condition - sexual interaction) and five standardized photographs: face, dressed body without displayed face, dressed body with displayed face, naked body without displayed face, naked body with displayed face of these 30 women will be presented, in randomized blocks, to same raters (N=100).

The aim is to find out if attractiveness can be manipulated through non-verbal displays. Ethogram of most sexy and attractive non-verbal displays will be created to be used as template for future stimuli creation.