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How supervisors and supervisee experience and conceptualize mutual relationship

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1. Objective Exploration of how clinical supervisors and supervisees in the Czech social work and social services experience and conceptualize their relations in daily practice.

2. Method Exploratory research design was used based on qualitative methods. The interviews were tape-recorded and verbatim transcripts were made.

3. Sample 14 supervisors and supervisees from the field of social services were selected by means of simple purposive sampling. Eligible supervisors had completed training programmes in psychotherapy and clinical supervision. Diversity of supervision schools were represented in the sample. The supervisees experienced different supervisors and whole variety of clients.

4. Data analysis The data was analysed by means of open coding. Categories were constructed and the method of displaying cards was used.

5. Results A stage model of dynamic relationship in clinical supervision was developed which covers developmental stages like preparation, reciprocal engagement and experiencing change. The supervisor contributes to the dynamics of the relationship through his/her caring attitude and two clusters of strategies - caring and encouraging individual growth. Those are described in detail. The supervisee contributes through her proactive preparedness, which also relies on coping with her anxieties and perceived threats to her self-respect. Bowlby's concepts of safe haven and secure base seem to fit the experiences and expectations relayed by the respondents, although they were not mentioned explicitly in the respondents' accounts of the supervisor-supervisee relationship.

6. Study limitation The results on caring behaviours might be limited by the fact that only women participated in the study. The study does not indicate how the ways caring behaviours are applied or expected in clinical supervision vary depending on type of supervisor, type of supervisee, or type of organization.