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Multi-sited ethnography: examples of application in the contemporary anthropological and ethnomusicological research

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The author aims to introduce and contextualize the model of multi-sited ethnography which was suggested by the American anthropologist George E. Marcus as a conceptual and methodological approach to the field research of mobile cultural phenomena and global cultural interactions.

The author illustrates the concept with exapmles of the already implemented anthropological and ethnomusicological research which either inspired this model or used it, as well as with the design of her dissertation research, which deals with transnational musical flows of mantras from India to the Czech Republic. The text also indicates possible limits and challenges brought by this still experimental way that is an alternative to the traditional model of ethnography.

Following the anthropologist James Fergusson, the author thinks that the multi-sited ethnography should not replace the "single-sited" ethnography, but rather extend the methodolocial spectrum.