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Microdialysis and Mass Spectroscopy as a Key for Monitoring of Metabolites in Immature Brain

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


The perinatal period of life is a critical moment for a proper development of CNS, however it is a risky period which associated with many pathologies. Hence, it is important to acquire knowledge and combine new methodologies for understanding the developmental aspects of physiology/pathophysiology of the brain.

We have successfully developed and applicated the method of monitoring a tissue metabolism in the immature brain. Using a combination of microdialysis technique and HPLC-MS techniques were mapped basal levels of amino acids and other low molecular weight molecules in the hippocampus of immature rats (12-days-old).

Our results demonstrate the suitability of chosen parameters of sampling and analysis for the monitoring of tissue biochemistry and metabolomic mapping in immature brain. Moreover, a potential of proposed method can found a place in clinical practice and for biomarkers monitoring of various CNS diseases.