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Angiology is moving forward

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Vascular medicine treats many diseases - ischemic syndromes of different arterial bed (with the specifics of their territorial function), venous and lymphatic diseases. A number of states in angiology are urgent, potentially life-threating.

Examples include aneurysm rupture, acute limb ischemia, or deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. On the other hand, chronic vascular disease (eg., peripheral arterial disease or chronic disease of superficial veins) require a differentiated approach according to the manifestation and the emphasis is given on prevention and treatment of disposing conditions.

The optimal care for patients bring the specialist in vascular medicine who is able to build a diagnostic and treatment work-up quickly. He works closely with vascular surgeons and interventional radiologists.

The article gives an overview of the major innovations in the field of angiology.