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Prograde metamorphic history of UHP granulites from the Moldanubian zone (Bohemian Massif) revealed by major element and Y + REE zoning in garnets

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Major and trace element distribution in garnet crystals from felsic granulites of the Kutna Hora Complex provides evidence of two metamorphic events, the first related to continental subduction at ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) conditions and the second to a granulite-facies overprint that occurred at mid- to lower crustal levels. To reconstruct P-T paths of both metamorphic events, pseudosection modeling was combined with major and trace element zoning in garnet.

The granulites contain lenses and boudins of mantle-derived garnet peridotite and eclogite. UHP conditions are confirmed by the presence of inclusions of micro-diamond and coesite in garnet and zircon in the granulites.

Compositional zoning in garnet provides evidence for a pre-granulite-facies high-pressure (HP)-UHP metamorphic history of the rocks. The two distinct metamorphic events are documented by high Y + HREE concentrations in the garnet cores and annuli in the mantle part of the garnet grains.

The cores of large garnets with relatively high Ca contents and bell-shaped Mn profiles suggest formation during a prograde low- to medium-temperature metamorphic event that was coeval with HP-UHP metamorphism. Decompression and cooling during exhumation of the rocks led to partial resorption of garnet and release of trace elements into the matrix.

The new garnet with high Y + HREE in the annuli was formed during the granulite-facies event at crustal levels.