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Ecological day

Publication at Faculty of Science |


This article describes the preparation and realization of a project called "Ecological day". This project is focused on environmental education as a multi-topical theme in curriculum of school subjects like biology, chemistry etc.

This topic is very relevant because of ongoing pollution of the environment and the lack of its protection. The main goal of this project was to deepen the environmental knowledge of pupils and also to positively influence their attitude to nature and its protection.

Project is intended for pupils at elementary school. The project has been realized by pupils of 8th grade and they got younger pupils involved.

Project had two parts. The first part, let us call it the preparation part, was about pupils creating some ecologically oriented activities, puzzles etc.

During the second part, that we can call the realization part, were these pupils presenting their work to younger pupils who had to participate in those activities (during a day dedicated to ecology). The older pupils had a chance to take a role as a teacher and transfer their knowledge on younger schoolmates.

During the preparation and realization of this project, the main focus was placed on individual and group work of pupils, their cooperation, creativity and on expanding their organizational and communicational skills. Some multi-subject relations were also deepened.

The most important was the main idea of this project, and that was to motivate pupils to think and behave eco-friendly.