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Absurd racionality of conceptual tendencies

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The study uncovers characteristic features of conceptual tendencies in literature. It shows how conceptual approaches function in terms of their recognition, reception and interpretation and, in addition, elucidates on the significance of this type of creative work.

We can say that the focal points of conceptual strategies in literature are cognitive structures, extra-artistic means and institutional reflexivity, all or any of which can become artistically transformed into a metaphorical statement. These strategies strive to redefine the nature of creative activity within a rationalized society.

Conceptual artists borrow the language of instrumental rationality in order to create an absurd situation and make the recipient perceive habitual relations in an entirely different way. The first section of the text focuses on the artistic mechanisms of the (post-)conceptual (textual) work: its post-media execution, metaphorical signification and the transformed subjectivity of the author.

The second part deals with the theoretical and historic context of conceptual approaches to science and technology and emphasizes their dialogical nature. In the last chapter, the aforementioned theses are applied to a hypothetical axis representing the scale of conceptualization of literary works including concrete examples from all three main areas: institutional reflexivity, language deskilling and the absurd use of rational language.